Our mission
3 Generations documents stories of human rights abuses through film. We enable survivors of crimes against humanity to record their experiences as an act of healing, a call to action and to create historical evidence.
We amplify and honor each witness’s voice by creating broad audiences: film festivals, educational outreach, theatrical and community screenings, social media, partnerships, web-channels and more. Our goal is to influence the national dialogue and build momentum for social change.

Film Clip
3G 12 Years
Our story
Our story began in April 1945 when Sidney Bernstein, the father of our founder Jane Wells, was with the Allied Forces when they liberated the Nazi concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen.
In his role as film advisor to the Ministry of Information, he was responsible for overseeing the film units that documented Nazi atrocities. Back in the UK he was tasked with producing a feature length film, German Concentration Camps Factual Survey, about the camps. In the fall of 1945, however, his Ministry of Information superiors closed down the production; the film was not completed or shown. As an old man, he told Jane Wells that the greatest regret of his life was not completing the film.
What makes 3 Generations different?
No-one is voiceless
Everyone has a story and a voice.
At 3 Generations we are committed to telling stories that may otherwise not be heard.
We do so in order to find our common humanity and inspire tolerance.
Our issues intersect
Genocide is not free of sexual violence or human trafficking. Ecocide produces dislocation and refugees. Veterans often face homelessness and PTSD. Our issues cross political and religious lines. Human vulnerability is the connective thread that binds all the issues we focus on.
Small is strong
We are an agile organization. This allows us to move seamlessly from issue to issue without the restrictions of bureaucracy. We form lasting relationships with our subjects and are committed to supporting them long after filming ends.
Our team

Francesco Portinari
Editor & Technical Director

Emmanuel Bastien
Director of Photography
Our board of directors

Nadia Zilkha, Chair

Florence Buchanan

Ulrika Citron

Heidi Drymer

Beth Hart

Frances Lalas

Lise Mayer

Esther Pearlstone

Brad Rothschild

Stephen Smith MBE

Alexander Wells
Advisory board
Our partners

Crisis resources
Contact us
Want to get in touch? To find out more about 3 Generations and our mission, films, impact, and more, fill out the contact form below and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.