Any Given Day

3 Generations is excited to partner with Beti Films on a new project.

Currently in production, Any Given Day by filmmaker Margaret Byrne explores the treatment of detainees with mental illness in Chicago jails. We are proud to collaborate on such an important film that addresses the need for alternative methods of criminal justice reform, especially as it relates to mental health issues.

U.S. prisons and jails incarcerate a disproportionate amount of people with mental health problems, and these facilities do not offer substantial treatment. Also, police are often used to respond to mental health crises, despite being unequipped to handle these situations and their involvement frequently results in unnecessary violence or incarceration. 

3 Generations has been a champion for criminal justice reform for many years and has recorded a number of films and videos on various aspects of the issue.

To learn more about this new project please visit our film page.