2023 Youth Video Contest: 18 – 24 Award

Isle of Trashes

Directed By: Choi Yeoleum

3 Generations is proud to present the 2023 age 18-24 Award to Choi Yeoleum for her film The Isle of Trashes. This film deals with important environmental issues and the fight for sustainability to save our oceans.

Choi Yeoleum was born in Seoul in 1998. In 2022, she graduated with a major in Theater and Film Design at Chung-Ang University and a double major in Game Interactive Media. She began to showcase her talent by presenting unique visual aesthetics and directing techniques through her animated work "Moon Rabbit (2020)" created during her university years. She has received recognition and awards from domestic and international film festivals as well as environmental organizations. Choi Yeoleum continues to create innovative works in the field of animation and film that directly address the most current social issues today.

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