3 Generations’ Initial Responses to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
Women’s rights are human rights. We are discussing the best long-term responses to the rogue court and the attack on women’s autonomy. In the meantime, 3G staff members share their responses and their specific actions. This post will be continuously updated.
In addition to the actions below, we have begun speaking with young women impacted by the decision. You can read some of their responses here.
Jane W.
“Personally, I have been following and supporting Jane’s Due Process – a Texas service helping Texas teens with reproductive rights – for some time. I went to their website after the Dobbs decision and was alarmed by what I saw there: a pop-up explaining not only that they have had to pause all abortion services but also a safety alert relating to computer monitoring. This is BIG BROTHER in action.

“As a New Yorker I was sickened by the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc v. Bruen SCOTUS decision on June 23rd to overthrow our State’s restrictions on open carry guns. The very next day we saw a contradictory decision on Dobbs based on State’s rights. The hypocrisy and the political volte-face removed any doubt in my mind that we should consider impeachment of several of the SCOTUS justices: I am educating myself on how that might work as well as how to protect women’s rights under the Equal Rights Amendment.”
Daniel C.
Daniel has been reading about and supporting organizations like Shout Your Abortion and We Testify. As documentary filmmakers, we share their commitment to documenting the truth, speaking truth to power, and sharing personal testimony to create change.
Fran L.
Fran is supporting small organizations in targeted areas and communities. In particular, she is donating to Emergency Medical Assistance, Inc., an abortion fund in South Florida, and the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, which advocates for the rights of AAPI women in the United States.
NAPAWF recently published a guide to obtaining an abortion in Texas, which will be translated into six AAPI languages starting on July 1.
Mary Lee J.
Mary Lee is supporting Thrive NJ, a coalition of organizations throughout New Jersey advocating for holistic reproductive justice and care.
She is also interviewing young women to get their reactions to the ruling. Those responses are being collected here.

Sam L.
Sam is adopting Georgia as an at-risk state and is donating to ARC Southeast, which provides funding and support to women throughout the Southeast.
She is also writing and calling her elected officials to encourage them to expand the court and to codify abortion access into federal law by passing the Women’s Health Protection Act.
We will continue to update this post with more responses from 3G staff and alumni.