Remembering the Armenian Genocide
April 24th 1915 is recognized as the beginning of the Genocide against the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey).

Initially, the focus was on killing as many able-bodied men as possible. Next, the elderly, women and children were rounded up and sent on death marches into the Syrian desert. Alice Kachadoorian-Shnorhokian, interviewed by 3 Generations just shy of her 100th Birthday, was four years old when she and her family were sent on the death march. Until she passed away she was an inspirational woman of courage, love and hope. Her message to teach our children and grandchildren the truth so history does not repeat itself has been a touchstone for all the work at 3 Generations. We will never forget Alice. Today we commemorate all those who were killed in what has been called “The first modern genocide”.